I’ve explained how it causes fragments of Our Lord to encrust themselves in the crevices of hands. Then the fragments go wherever the hand g...

I’ve explained how it causes fragments of Our Lord to encrust themselves in the crevices of hands. Then the fragments go wherever the hand g...
The petition is available at: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/againstchannel4advert/ The LifeSiteNews article where I first learned of ...
I'm not suggesting everyone send a Mass stipend to Bishop Moran for the intention of Fr. Michael Mary. Fr. Michael Mary was the proposed...
London, May 18 th 2010 Your Excellency, Bishop Moran, May this find you well. I am a young Irish Catholic living in London. I spoke with ...
It was the moment everyone had secretly been hoping for; Liam O'Hara, a young Catholic said to Archbishop Vincent Nichols, ‘I’m question...
During the elections, I was heard melodramatically saying that I would have to be jailed before voting Lib Dem. But even I have to admit t...
Praying to St. Therese of Lisieux, the little Carmelite nun inspires us to good works, some of which are very missionary in character.Toda...
http://thespiritualdiaryofbilljones.blogspot.com/2010/05/more-bias-from-new-york-times.html Follow the link above for a very good analysis o...