According to Lord Patten , the momentous occasion of the papal visit may cost up to £12 million. This is causing some organisations to have ...

According to Lord Patten , the momentous occasion of the papal visit may cost up to £12 million. This is causing some organisations to have ...
Recently in Ireland, a High Court judgment was passed that denied compensation to a married couple. The middle-aged married couple had tak...
For my once-in-a-lifetime good deed, I made a map, packed an energy bar and set out to find a London hospital. My intention was to visit an ...
When the user becomes the used… A friend of CS Lewis, Sheldon Vanauken in his autobiography A Severe Mercy included many letters written ...
He was dressed in grungy grey clothing and he looked as if an inch of dirt clung to him. Grey curly hair straggled around his face, but I ...
Kate ( At Home in My Father’s House ) tagged me for Mulier Fortis' prayer meme (thank you Kate), and here I detail which are my three f...
Did CS Lewis ever condemn contraception outright? A detailed review of his writing affords knowledge that CS Lewis arrived more firmly on th...
Prior to 7/7/2007, how these invectives used to fill the air; ‘you have no right to go to a Latin Mass. That was banned!’ ‘It’s an act of ...
Marriage is becoming the endangered institution according to latest research ; marriage will be down by a half in the next generation. Pe...
I was caught by the cheeky headline ‘How Cameron can show more ♥ to his party’ to Tim Montgomerie’s article; it argues that Cameron’s w...
Mandelson’s memoirs have a poison-claw cattiness, claiming that Blair called Brown ‘mad, bad, and dangerous', and described Browns as...
The abortion ‘guidelines’ have been officially dropped by the health department in the north of Ireland. Together the ‘guidelines’ form a do...