From the Regnum Christi website : Peter Seewald: The Church was shaken also by revelations about the double life of Marcial Maciel Degollado...

From the Regnum Christi website : Peter Seewald: The Church was shaken also by revelations about the double life of Marcial Maciel Degollado...
Hat-Tip to Mark for telling me about this video. You can access Mark's excellent blog here .
See Part One for the beginning of the story on how Our Lady appeared to Alphonse in St. Andrew’s Church in Rome. The baron, having made t...
1842. A young French Jew, Alphonse Ratisbonne, was due to get married, but spent some time travelling on the continent. When he arrived in R...
"When I saw her on my webcam, I fell for her…"
Padre Pio statue in Mamore Gap, Donegal, Ireland. In June 2002, this life-size statue of Padre Pio was erected and blessed in the Gap of Mam...
This week I have been steeped in research on Ireland's recent economic history. I'm doing some journalism on how the faith in Irelan...
47 years ago today, JFK was murdered in broad day-light. While, it was an impossibility for me to ever meet JFK, but I did meet his sister. ...
During a long interview with Peter Seewald, Pope Benedict has said that: “I am not opposed in principle to Communion in the hand; I have bo...
For my pro-life posts and anti-abortion newspaper articles I got: Stephen King. I’d like to believe that means the articles are more Shawsh...
The introduction of a statue of St Michael the Archangel makes a huge difference to the exorcism...
Stern Stuff! During the first ‘failed’ exorcism the priest’s arm is ripped from the shoulder to the wrist and needs 100 stitches. Then the p...
Skip to 1:40 minutes to get straight into the story that inspired the novel and the film The Exorcist. A valuable historical note is made ...
Their writing styles! When I put samples of Padre Pio’s writings into the ‘I Write Like’ test, I found that Padre Pio’s writing style is m...
Padre Pio prohibited all 'magic' and fortune telling. In November 1948, Padre Pio heard a lady’s confession. The lady gave an acco...
Kelly Clinger, who was a back-up singer for the pop star Britney Spears, has blogged about her abortions. "Someone asked if I had hea...
It was the year 1908, and Padre Pio lived in the monastery of Montefusco. One day, he collected chestnuts in the forest nearby, and sent a b...
Maybe it’s negative on both counts. Leading Catholic journalist, William Oddie, started a vital debate , ‘the superiors of the Legion of C...
From Daniel Hannan's excellent Daily Telegraph blog post . In the 1990s, you used to hear the argument that Ireland was growing thanks...
In the past number of days, as preparation for an anti-porn newspaper article, I have been reading lots of research on the devastating effec...
Joseph McElwee was ordered to climb the mountain in Co Mayo by Judge Seamus Hughes after being found guilty of threatening and abusing ga...