This is a very punchy video and should be widely used. Maybe it's because I'm the youngest fogey in London, but the soundtrack grate...

This is a very punchy video and should be widely used. Maybe it's because I'm the youngest fogey in London, but the soundtrack grate...
The footage of John Paul II and Benedict is very touching; theirs was a truly great friendship.
In a previous post , Nadine Dorries made a powerful case for overhauling the policies on obtaining an abortion. Dorries is not pro-life per...
I do not agree with every point that Micaheael Voris makes in this video, and ideally the video could have been more succinct, but it does ...
Twitch of the mantilla to LeadKindlyLight where I first saw this trailer.
A woman enquired of Padre Pio about the whereabouts of two of her relatives, to which Padre Pio said that one of them was in Heaven, but t...
A concerned lady was asking Padre Pio about her dead parents. Padre Pio assured the woman that they were in heaven. The woman persisted in a...
Ireland 1976. A child from the town of Bandon, West Cork was terribly ill – he was born with a blocked tube going from the kidney to the bla...
I'm the humorist - I can't count the amount of very devout Catholics who have told me that I'm too cheerful for the Lenten seaso...
Twitch of the mantilla to Catholic Cartoon Blog .
Clearly Fr Corapi is a very gifted orator.
Why oh why isn’t this movie used in Catholic wedding preparation courses? The young men could be instructed to say ‘myself am moved to woo t...
Zefferelli's The Taming of the Shrew .
Screen legend Elizabeth Taylor passed away today at the age of 79. While she had a chequered history with religions, she did consider beco...
Click here for Polly impersonating Mr Stubbs. This has long been a favourite You-Tube interview of mine with clips from Polly's best sc...
Forgive me for posting humorous posts among very serious posts, such as the comment piece on abortion guidelines from Nadine Dorries. I...
On this fascinating post for ConservativeHome, former nurse, but current MP Nadine Dorries makes a few bold points in support of the case t...
With a boss like Basil who says 'fa-fa-fa-fire' instead of 'fire', poor Manuel doesn't have a hope of learning English!
I was reminded of this clip today because I filled out the British census form, and one question enquired of me if I spoke English... See he...
Check out a previous post where Basil grapples with home improvements.
Saint Patrick's Vigil on the Reek: 441 AD. The following is the true account of Saint Patrick's Vigil on the holy Mountain of Irel...
Fr. Anthony Boucheron of the Institute of Christ the King celebrated Tridentine Mass in Ss Peter and Paul's Church yesterday. Can you s...
I was at the Aid to the Church in Need (‘ACN’) press conference yesterday, where it was announced that Ann Widdecombe will become ‘ACN’s’ sp...
My tiny efforts to celebrate the feast included; wearing a green velvet dress, and matching green suede shoes with cream-coloured floral la...
Check out this post for the rest of The Builders episode.
The relics of Saint Therese of Lisieux, a widely-revered 19th-century Roman Catholic nun, made a solemn entry into Jerusalem on Wednesday, t...
"All them prayers made him a saint..." Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig - a blessed and Happy St Patrick's Day
They were both friends of bees. When John Bradburne lived in a cave in Africa, it was surrounded by bees that gave him privacy and protected...