Did Julia Holcombe, the ex-girlfriend of Steve Tyler leave a comment on this blog post ? After I read the story about Steve Tyler being ...

Did Julia Holcombe, the ex-girlfriend of Steve Tyler leave a comment on this blog post ? After I read the story about Steve Tyler being ...
These are the abortion figures for 2010... * In total, there were 196,109 abortions notified as taking place in England and Wales in 2010. *...
The wording, images and jokes in this video may offend some. When I saw the title ‘The Hilarious World of Abortion’, I thought it was a pro-...
This just came into my in-box... Dear Bloggers, As the buzz and excitement of the Vatican Blogger Meeting settles and your feedback and disc...
The Tablet editorial is trying to sell this formula; Catherine and William are the golden couple who long-term cohabitated ( we assume ),...
Queen Elizabeth bows her head before the memorial to those who died fighting her grandfather’s armed forces Gordon Rayner gives an imp...
Enda Kenny (the Irish prime minister or 'Taoiseach' pronounced 'tuh'ee'shuck') and David Cameron on the visit.
Check out this post on Love Undefiled for details on a great weekend in Oxford... Twitch of the mantilla to Love Undefiled.
The Queen wears the traditional colour of Ireland, and is the first British Monarch to visit Ireland in over 100 years. object classid=...
This video does not have footage of her cheerfully greeting the Pope to Britain ...
During Lent, I outed myself as a big Fawlty Towers and John Cleese fan, and during the past week, many have brought this interview to ...
Today is the feast day of St Brendan - who some believe reached America long before Columbus. It's not a tenet of Catholic belief that h...
I heard about the tickets on Linen on The Hedgerow , who opined that the talk should be mandatory for all English and Welsh bishops.
The Holy Father credited Our Lady of Fatima with preventing the bullets from piercing his main abdominal artery. Blessed John Paul II went o...
I shamelessly nicked this from Ed West's blog at The Daily Telegraph. Here’s some cutting-edge research from Penny Mansfield, director...
The election of John Paul II will be remembered as perhaps one of the biggest bombshells of the 1970s – a pope who had rock-star magnetism,...
Surely it is a shame that more people, especially people devoted to Padre Pio, do not know of his great practical works; especially that ...
The footage contained in this video is amazing. However, an extremist sedevacantist vein runs through this video's title and the other ...
The beauty of this video is that it is done with good taste and with a very gentle, calm approach. It leaves the viewer with a serene sens...
H/T to A Reluctant Sinner.
Cyberteologica reports that (So Far) reactions to the Vatican for Bloggers Meeting are contained in more than 17 million Web pages. With th...
Preferring to be energised and caffeinated – I’d stuck with the coffee and avoided the prosecco. We took our seats for the second panel....