The journal of UK pharmacists, The Pharmaceutical Journal, ran an article by RoseMary Baker, a pharmacist from the Wirral, showing the d...

The journal of UK pharmacists, The Pharmaceutical Journal, ran an article by RoseMary Baker, a pharmacist from the Wirral, showing the d...
From the Homily of John Paul II on the occasion of the canonisation of Padre Pio: 1. "For my yoke is easy and my burden light"...
God thus showed the Church his desire to glorify on earth his faithful servant. In a short time the Capuchin Order took the steps prescrib...
From his youth, his health was not very robust, and especially in the last years of his life it declined rapidly. Sister Death took him well...
Possibly just my wishful thinking…? But on the timetable for the Protest March against Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws (July 2nd), there is a s...
You may sign the petition, organised by Aid to the Church in Need here. On 2 nd July this petition will be submitted to the UK High Co...
The Vatican will celebrate Pope Benedict’s 60th anniversary of priestly ordination with a month-long exhibition featuring 60 artists from ar...
According to The Jewish Chronicle , ‘a concerned member of Pro Ecclesia’, Robert Williams, got in touch with Westminster Central Hall and wa...
Daphne McLeod described Cardinal Burke’s abrupt pulling-out of the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice conference as ‘a blow’. Cardinal Burke had pl...
On this post about Padre Pio standing at the gates of heaven waiting for all his spiritual children, someone posting as ‘anonymous’ sent me...
Fernando Sanchez is the ambassador of Costa Rica to the Vatican, but his story has nothing to do with his job. He says, his son is alive t...
There’s nothing quite as soothing as a cup of ‘black’ tea, which nowadays is much maligned because of its caffeine content and teeth-stainin...
What I like about this video is that the narrator speaks very much from the heart, weaving in the factual events of St Anthony’s life in a s...
1:01 minutes into the video, the statue is quite like that in The London Oratory.
I’m holidaying here in Spain where the weather is abnormally bracing, blustery and cold for this time of year. I’m borrowing jumpers and c...
The populace of the 18 states in black symbolises the 50,000,000 reported abortions, which have been done in the US, since 1973. There are j...
Korean Broadcasting Station contacted me and Luke Coppen in the past week and invited us to participate in a follow-up documentary to Do...
In the last 43 years, millions have read critiques of the encyclical and the satires of Humanae Vitae in glossy magazines. Whenever I get in...
Pope Paul VI had this letter published in L'Osservatore Romano. Your Holiness: Availing myself of Your Holiness' meeting with the ...
Three tickets for Cardinal Burke’s talk collect dust on my shelf. And they will stay there for a long time, and become artefacts of our p...