...I wrote a post on this subject over at The Catholic Herald. 19/1/13 Vigil in Merrion Square

"The fight for marriage is the particular gift that God has given our generation"
If you had no idea that Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is an Italian-American who had four Sicilian grandparents, his hands would give th...

Shoes for Sunday best...
If you go to Mass on weekdays, and not just Sunday, it can be easier to abandon the practice of wearing our 'Sunday best'. If you we...

"So you kept the half-door?" Irish film, Irish Folk Furniture wins Sundance award for best animated short.
The director of the film, Tony Donoghue hails from County Tipperary and previously had success with another film, 'A Film from My Paris...

Fr Peter Carota: like Britain's Fr Thwaites, he will have a profound influence on the Catholic world
Fr Peter was a late-vocation, having been a hugely successful and affluent real estate agent in California, before forsaking his glittering ...

Mass for the late Fr Thwaites, at the London Oratory on 2nd February 2013
Fr Hugh Thwaites (21 July 1917 – 21 August 2012) Requiescat in Pace You are invited to attend a Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form, to be...

Child draws Pope Benedict 'with big arms' so that he can hug all of us. Painting presented to the Pope in Rome.
This video was listed on Luke Coppen's Must Reads , which are a must-read in themselves.

Singing the praises of the man who liberated the Christians... Do we need someone like him today?
The original video is a 1980's classic - not to mention a celebration of dungarees!

The Irish Times - they seem to have a habit of presenting pro-life people as being exclusively elderly and they fail to cover news stories such as the Irish-woman who nearly died in a London abortion clinic